Grow in God's Word

Article by Mindy Hopman

Staff Writer | September 15, 2022

In spiritual training, you become Christ-like.

At any given time before or after school you could find her on the field running drills or in the gym lifting weights. She knew the extra training hours in the off-season would help her grow, prepare and be ready for the upcoming season. The more she trained, the more she grew, and the stronger she became physically.


God placed a desire in her heart to become the best version of herself, and that is why after training physically, you could find her in Bible study. She knew there was so much more to life than what she could see.


“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” -Ephesians 2:10


The moment God calls you to be on His team and you accept the invitation, the Holy Spirit ignites within you. You become a new creation. God gives you a new spiritual DNA. As a new creation in Christ, you put on your new team uniform (the colors of the cross) and you begin to grow in Him.


When you apply 100% to the ability God gives you, He provides opportunities for you to utilize your gifts. It’s up to you to walk into those opportunities. Doubt subsides as you trust His presence and His plan. In that space of trust comes peace from His presence, because your confidence moves from yourself to Christ.


“...and being fully assured that what God had promised, He was able to perform.” -Romans 4:21 (NASB)


The more time you spend in the Word (spiritual training), the stronger the power of the Holy Spirit becomes within you. You feel the power that comes from God, and with that power, you can do all things. Whereas physical strength wanes with time, strength in the Spirit is eternal.


“For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.” -Philippians 4:13


The more you grow in the Word, the more you stand in awe of His awesome works. It is in His Word where you discover true wisdom and discernment for every season and aspect of life.


“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; a good understanding have all those who do His commandments; His praise endures forever.” -Psalm 111:10 (NASB)


Are you wondering what the next right thing will be for you to do? Go to the Word.
Are you wondering what true friendships look like? Go to the Word.

Are you wondering where confidence comes from? It is found in the Word.


God’s Word grows you. It molds you and shapes you and morphs you into someone more like Christ.

In Spiritual training, you become coachable.
In Spiritual training, you become confident.
In Spiritual training, you become Christ-like.

If you're looking to amp up your spiritual training and want to go deeper in your relationship with Jesus, check out CORE 3 from FCA's resource The CORE.

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